Monday, August 11, 2014

Accurate 5-day American Angler Trip Report (July 28 - Aug 2, 2014)

The Accurate Reels sponsored 5-day trip on the American Angler got underway after loading a boat full of very precious sardines.  These would be key to a very successful “catching” trip.  Thank you to the Everingham Brothers bait company.

We went straight west after clearing the point, fishing in U.S. waters for both yellowfin tuna and bluefin tuna.  After catching over a 100 of each type of tuna, we headed to San Martin for some yellowtail.  We were able to catch over a hundred Cedros size yellows in one morning, so we headed back to the U.S. waters for a chance at some big tuna.  We were able to hook 5 of the bigger tuna but only landed 2 of these 80# class big ones.  Those two made the first two sports for the JP.  The largest yellowtail (26#) was third place.  

John Medler (26# yellowtail) Mike Uyeki (75# BFT) Peter Chernishov (83# BFT)

Every passenger and crew received a gray Accurate T-shirt.  Thank you to Accurate for supplying reel upgrade parts, Calstar for providing a complete rod and t-shirts, Izorline for spectra, fluoro, mono, flex wrap, BSI for spectra glue, Baja Fish Gear for T-shirts and gift cards, Salas Lures for surface and yoyo jigs.  Izorline also provided a couple of spools of it’s newest XXX in green.  A special thanks to Mario Giho of Sportsman Seafood for the smoked tuna and tuna jerky as well as discounts on same-day fish processing.

Peter Chernishov landed the largest tuna (83#) and received the Accurate trophy for the largest fish.  Peter also won the daily prize and received a 500 yd spool of Izorline spectra and a highly coveted Accurate sweatshirt.  

Largest fish of the trip (Peter Chernishov)

4th Day - Daily Prize Winner (Peter Chernishov)

Steve Doreck won the Accurate Boss reel for the largest yellowtail on day 3.

3rd Day - Daily Prize Winner (Steve Doreck)

Mike Uyeki won the Accurate pliers, sheath and lanyard for the largest tuna on the 2nd day.

2nd Day - Daily Prize Winner (Mike Uyeki)

Dave Sheerin won a Calstar rod for the biggest yellowtail on the 1st day.  

1st Day - Daily Prize Winner (Dave Sheerin)

Thank you to all the passengers and crewmembers for making this a very successful trip.  Everyone caught lots of fish and made had a great time making new fishing friends.  I hope to see everyone back again next year.  Please contact Lori at the American Angler office to get on next years trip.

I hope you find yourself having fun in these trip photos.

Gary Teraoka

Roger focusing (is that a smile?)

"nice one" Mike

Cam and I switching jobs

The meeting place
So this is what happened to the BFT donated to the galley

Kevin with his Boss Fury

Kub "adopted" Cam, Did Roger "adopt" Drew?

New Crewmember David, good guy

New Crewmember Justin, also a good guy

I got to bleed Rogers tuna with a head shot

David with a nice YFT

Kub in his usual position

John on a fish

Jimmy, hope you had a great time fishing with us

Kub with a nice one
John's about ready, Cam is right there

Mike, you are in a lot of photos this trip

Look what I caught, a flylined stingray (what?)
Ray, "hows it"


Russ, nice meeting you and your group

Rick, what a nice 25# outfit you have there

David and Dave with the 2 big yellowtails for the day

My trolling outfit (BX2-30 Narrow, 80# XXX mono)
Roger, don't strain too hard or you will launch the beannie 

Trevor, you look like a pro

Dan with one of his first tunas
Congratulations and Best Wishes to Cameron on your wedding
Remember - happy wife, happy life


  1. Great trip great crew great boat great fishing great giveaways. Thanks Gary for a wonderful trip we will see you next year

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